Dedicated Mobile App & Responsive Website -Adobe XD
As the Lead UX Designer for a dedicated mobile app and responsive website centered around environmental cleanup, I was responsible for all facets of the process from conception to completion and delivery.
The Product: CleanEarth is the concept of a dedicated mobile app as well as responsive website, that allows users to focus on volunteering for environmental cleanup events as well as donating to the cause. Primary target users for CleanEarth are anyone that wants to make an impact on the future of planet Earth. We strive to be inclusive for all involvement.
The Problem: Our planet is quickly and surely becoming overrun with garbage and waste. The issues caused by this are overwhelming, and effecting everyone negatively from the oceans to the forests. There can never be enough organizations worldwide that help with this cause.
The Goal: Design an app that allows users to search, find, and sign up for volunteer environmental cleanup events all over the country. The app shall also allow users to donate to the cause, and even organize their own events if desired!
Project Duration: April 2023 - June 2023
Responsibilities: Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, iterating on designs, determining information architecture through sitemapping, and responsive design for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
After conducting the initial user research including potential user interviews and a competitive audit, I was able to create personas, user stories, and user journey maps. From there I began iterating and designing wireframes.
The images displayed here show the basic wireframe for the CleanEarth mobile homepage as well as the low-fidelity prototypes for both mobile and desktop.
After the wireframes were designed, I conducted a moderated usability study. Utilizing the feedback, I was able to further iterate upon my designs within the wireframes keeping the study feedback and user as the main focus. Upon completion of this iteration, I moved on to create mockups and a high-fidelity prototype.
The images above give a general idea of the homepage and donation page of the tablet version of the responsive design. You'll also see the desktop version of the homepage as well as donation confirmation page. I chose to include these pages because they proved a little tricky prior to our usability study, but the problems were solved through further iteration and testing.
High-Fidelity Prototype Links
Dedicated Mobile App:
Responsive Website for Desktop:
I continued working through the design process, really keeping the user front of mind in terms of needs, desires, and accessibility. I ensured all necessary feedback was implemented into the ideation phases post usability study. Colors were chosen with accessibility standards in mind, as were font choices and clear button labels. Intentional focus and layout designing brings attention to the main user flow, allowing for ease of use and a happy path for everyone!
Polished, Final Designs
Responsive Website
Dedicated Mobile Application